Piton Comes with Batteries Included:

Why you shoud choose us?

Piton is a powerful progressive web app built on top of the HsLynk platform focused on data collection, de-duplication and Hmis reporting with a lot of features out of the box.

Custom Assessment Builder

Creating and managing assessments for homeless clients to enroll them to an HMIS project.

Coordinated Housing Entry

Piton has a state of the art coordinated entry and housing matching system.

Shelter/Housing Unit Check-ins

Easy and efficient shelter/housing unit management system

Client Consent and Sharing Rules

Track and enforce client data sharing consent with Piton’s release of information features.

HMIS Bulk Import/Export

Do you need to import an HMIS CSV or XML file from an older HMIS data standard version, or from the current one? Piton has you covered.

Client Overview

Get a quick snapshot of what’s going on for each client you access. View all households, enrollments, consents, shelter stays, etc. in one place.

Alerts and Notifications

You can work set up global and client specific custom alerts for your Continuum.

Hmis and Adhoc reporting

It has a very intractive user interface to request Hmis reports like APR, LSA, SPM from the HSLynk's warehouse.

Offline Mode

Take your mobile device offline, and Piton syncs back up when you reconnect.

Works on Mobile Devices

Aren’t in the office? No problem! Piton resizes everything to fit tiny screens.

Plays well with other HMIS and Community Apps via HSLynk

The community puts its data in HSLynk, an open source cloud hosted and secure data warehouse. Piton, and other apps that your community.

Household Tracking and Enrollment

Create HMIS or global/generic households, modify the membership, and enroll all of the members.


Piton comes with batteries included.

Custom Assessment Builder

Piton lets you easily create your own assessments and surveys, and you can also pick from each HUD HMIS Data Standard’s universal and program-specific data elements.

  • Create and management your assessment
  • Add custom/HUD questions to an assessment
  • Share an assessment with volunteers
  • Offline survey submission
  • Copy last years assessments to create assessments for next year
  • Download assessment results in a PDF document
  • Compare assessment results

Coordinated Housing Entry & Housing referral

Piton has a full Coordinated Entry System with customizable match logic, manual matching, scoping, custom assessments, and storage in the HMIS for reporting.

Shelter and Housing Unit Check-ins

Full bed list management and shelter program enrollment is included with Piton. Reserve rooms or beds for entire households or individuals. This software can also be used for emergency shelter management as well.

  • Easy Checkin/checkout of a shelter.
  • Find shelters managed by Piton with vacancy by zipcode.
  • View a bed history
  • Create HMIS entry/exit records when a client checks in/out of shelter

Client Consent and Sharing Rules

Track and enforce client data sharing consent with Piton’s release of information features.

HMIS Bulk Import/Export

Do you need to import an HMIS CSV or XML file from an older HMIS data standard version, or from the current one? Piton has you covered. Do you need to export one as well? You’re also in luck!

Client Overview

Get a quick snapshot of what’s going on for each client you access. View all households, enrollments, consents, shelter stays, etc. in one place.

Alerts and Notification

You can work set up global and client specific custom alerts for your Continuum.

Record Level Read/Write APIs and “Bring Your Own Analytics”: from HSLynk

Create beautiful dashbards with whichever tools you prefer, such as Tableau, Power BI, and R-Shiny. And if you have other community systems or apps to connect with in real time we have APIs from HSLynk. And not just read-only APIs as others have, but full read/write APIs.

Offline Mode

Take your mobile device offline, and Piton syncs back up when you reconnect.

Works on Mobile Devices

Aren’t in the office? No problem! Piton resizes everything to fit tiny screens.

HUD/Adhoc Reports

It has a very intractive user interface to request HMIS reports from the HSLynk platform like APR, LSA, SPM.

It also provides extensive analytics tracking for administrators to track usage of the entries app includes recent pages, case workers's, volunteers demographic details.

Household Tracking and Enrollment

Create HMIS or global/generic households, modify the membership, and enroll all of the members.